San Bartolomé de Tirajana
The rolling sand dunes of Maspalomas afford you the unique opportunity of being in a desert by the sea, on a beach which runs for miles along the South coast of the island, offering fun and relaxation for all ages and all interests.
The Maspalomas Lighthouse is in the south of Gran Canaria, right in the middle of one of the most visited sections of coastline in Europe.
Maspalomas, Playa del Inglés and Meloneras offer an endless number of lodgings and lofts, heaps of recreation alternatives throughout the day and an alluring night life around the shores.
However Maspalomas is not simply known for its tremendous field of ridges by the ocean, or its incredible atmosphere. It is likewise known for its old Lighthouse, which saw the first sightseers arrive, and saw the zone transform into an occasion resort. After it dawned on the first explorers that the warm temperatures were no fluke on this interminable sunny shore, the Maspalomas Lighthouse has been the noiseless witness to many days of sun, special nights, plunges in the ocean and walks around the promenade.
The decision to build the lighthouse was made in 1861, although it actually took 28 long years to finish. At the time, the place was an uninhabited, desert paradise, cut off from the rest of the island. In order to build the lighthouse, which stands 55 metres high, they used a dock with a small ramp to unload the materials, which could only be brought in by sea.
The lighthouse light shone for the first time on 1st February 1890. It was the only construction at the end of a long strip of sand which started at what is now the Playa del Inglés and tailed off close to the Maspalomas Oasis. It helped to guide steamboats which covered routes between Europe, Africa and America.
Nowadays everything around it has changed. Now it is at the start of a busy promenade area with a whole host of restaurants and gift shops. It is the perfect place to shop, stop off after a day at the beach, go out for dinner or simply have a drink next to the long seashore.
Just a few metres from the promenade, bathers and walkers dive into the sand which marks the start of the Maspalomas Natural Dune Reserve, made up of three eco-systems: Palmeral, Charca and Dunas (Palms, Pond and Dunes) which run in parallel a few metres from the sea. The whole area is an enormous, exceptionally valuable natural space.
Simply somewhat further on from the Maspalomas Palm Tree estate (Palmeral) you will discover an alternate ensured regular space, Charca, which lies between the ocean and the sand, giving a resting spot to flying creatures moving from Europe to Africa. The immense spread of sand hills begin past this 'lake', changing their shape persistently, etched out by the wind falling off the sea.
From the Lighthouse, and heading towards the rises along the seashore, we achieve the Punta de Maspalomas, which unites with the Playa del Inglés. It is really the same sunny shore, which simply transforms its name as of right now. Guests here soon lock on to our sound custom of strolling from one end to the next.
The beach has solitary and isolated sections, where nudism is popular. From the Maspalomas Lighthouse to Playa del Inglés, the nudist area is found between beach bars 3 and 4. From Playa del Inglés to the Maspalomas Lighthouse, the nudist area is found between beach bars 5 and 6. Surfers congregate on the bend joining Maspalomas with Playa del Inglés. Walkers, nudists and surfers mix freely on the beach.
Many things have changed since 1861, but Maspalomas continues to be the perfect place to unwind, enjoy the sea or simply while away the hours sunbathing. This hasn’t changed, and neither has the long shadow of the Lighthouse, in the same place as ever. Whereas before it looked out for boats crossing the Atlantic, it now envies beach-goers spending their days under the gentle sun in Maspalomas.
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