So there it is. It's formally out. So now you'll realize that Tejeda, up on the high arrives at of Gran Canaria, is out of this world, to such an extent that it shows up and vanishes, as though by specialty of enchantment, in an ocean of mists. 'A bit enormous' place you essentially need to see, to view the forcing rock shaping of Roque Nublo, the lunar scene that encompasses it and the course of pine trees that tumbles down the mountains towards the inaccessible sea.
There is a road in Gran Canaria that begins on the beach, runs through many towns, and finally reaches the sky. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. But then comes the unusual part of the trip, when the road keeps going up and up, leaving behind a trail of clouds until finally reaching Tejeda.
And that is all, folks. Just a little piece of advice to travellers: do not miss the small town of Tejeda on your way through. Just a little over an hour from the coastline, along a road that takes you so high you will be able to set foot on Heaven (2 hours if travelling with a sweet-tooth who makes you stop in San Mateo to buy sweets and egg-and-sugar bread).
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