Need to slow down, cut off and clear your forethoughts out dousing up the daylight, with just the shriek of seagulls wheeling out to ocean to go with you, as you while away the hours on a shore front boutique? Then again appreciate a fantastic dusk over the jagged bluffs coming soon? At that point, Agaete and Puerto de las Nieves harbor is the place you need to be, so great it is not possible be kept a mystery for a really long time.
It’s the perfect spot for people who have chosen to downsize, a place made to measure for people who want to swim in the sea all year round if they feel like it, or just to bask in the sun on the little harbour beach, go fishing and eat fish, papas arrugadas and drink wine in their fishing gear, whiling away the hours with the locals and the tourists who come for a rest at the hotel, or smoking a cigar listening to the sound of the crickets in the evening.
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